Water quality can no longer be taken for granted, and its quality varies from place to place and even house to house. A variety of factors can affect how your water tastes, smells, feels, and works in and around your home. Well water quality, possible contamination, an aging water distribution system, violations of federal drinking water standards, and a home’s plumbing are examples of things that can affect a home’s water supply. Some water problems may not be as obvious as others. Below, we’ve listed the water problems we commonly see in Philadelphia, Lancaster, Harrisburg and State College, Pennsylvania, Rochester, New York as well as Bel-Air and Frederick, Maryland. But we need to test your water to determine if water treatment is necessary and which option is right for you.
Pure, clean water is H2O, and anything else in water is essentially a contaminant. Yet there are so many things that can make their way into water and affect its quality. Municipal water treatment facilities, for the most part, do a good job of providing you with clean, safe water, but are government standards for allowable contaminant levels good enough for you? And what about the more than 20 percent of systems in the U.S. that are in violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act? Combine all this with information about pharmaceuticals in water as well as other contaminants that have made their way into water supplies. It’s no wonder people are looking for ways to safeguard their drinking water. Additionally, water treatment facilities test the water quality on site, but that’s before it travels through a large, outdated distribution system to get to your home. What happens to the water’s quality then? Water can pick up a number of contaminants as it travels to your home and through the pipes within your home. That’s not very comforting considering the American Society of Civil Engineers rated the U.S. drinking water infrastructure and gave it a D- grade. For city water supplies, chlorinating the water is necessary for disinfection and it must stay in the water while it is being distributed. But once it reaches your home, it is no longer needed. In addition to the unpleasant taste and smell of chlorinated water, many have heard about the possible side-effects of drinking chlorinated water. Chlorinated water is also known to dry out skin and hair as well as rubber seals found in water-using appliances. There’s also the issue of hard water. Contrary to what many believe, city water supplies are frequently hard and contain high amounts of calcium and magnesium. If the water supply is softened before it gets to your home, it usually is not “zero soft”, like you will have with a water softener. We can help. We’ll test your water, see if it contains anything of concern, and then recommend any needed solutions. A free water analysis is a great way to get started. Contact us to schedule yours today.
Pure, clean water is H2O, and anything else in water is essentially a contaminant. Yet there are so many things that can make their way into water and affect its quality. We’ve seen homes with a variety of water issues like sulfur, hardness and iron. But some homeowners have battled with water that contains bacteria, viruses, volatile organic compounds, total dissolved solids and a number of other contaminants. Do you know what the quality of your well water is like? If you have a private well, you, as the homeowner, are responsible for the quality of the water in your home. It’s suggested that homeowners have their well tested every year, yet many people only test the water’s quality when they build or purchase their home. Even if your well water tests fine, your water must travel through the pipes in your home before it reaches your tap. Those with older homes or those who have water pipes that have not been replaced in years may want to have their water tested for lead. Most people don’t really know much about the quality of their well water. And worse yet, they don’t know how to solve their water problems once they realize they have them. We can help. We’ll test your water, see if it contains anything of concern, and then recommend any needed solutions.
Do you know what is in your water?
Headquartered in Myerstown, Pennsylvania, Martin Water Conditioning has been satisfying customers for more than 40 years by installing and servicing water softeners, water filters, drinking water systems, and specialty water treatment systems that solve a variety of water problems.