Acid Neutralizer

Acid Neutralizer

Overview of the Acid Neutralizer

The K1054S Kinetico Acid Neutralizers are designed to raise the pH of water from an acid level to neutral and non-corrosive. In addition, the neutralizing media will filter some ferric iron, silt, dirt and sediment.
  • User Friendly Design
  • Non-corrosive Fiberglass Tank
  • Fully Automatic
  • System Drain for Convenient Maintenance
  • Large Fill Cap for Media Access
The K1054S Acid Neutralizer uses an electronic, multi cycle, fully automatic and adjustable control valve to ensure that the media tank stays clean.

Neutralizing Compounds

Crystal 7 Calcium Carbonate: A soft crushed and screened mixed blend media effective in raising pH levels from 6.0 to 7.0 Crystal 5 Calcium Carbonate/Magnesium Oxide: A soft crushed and screened mixed blend media and magnesium oxide effective in raising pH levels from 5.0 to 7.0 Other conditions such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, T.D.S., and carbon dioxide can cause corrosion. Certain conditions limit the effectiveness of Crystal 5 and Crystal 7.


Technical Specifications