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Water and Agriculture
Commercial Water Filtration System

Water quality is an important ingredient in livestock management. Contaminated water can have a costly effect on the health and performance of your dairy herd, livestock, or poultry operations. Our years of experience plus hundreds of farm-related treatment systems have proven the validity and practicality of correcting contaminated water. We provide technically advanced water treatment systems for these and other water problems in the Mid-Atlantic area. The following are a few of the agricultural applications that we provide services for:

    • Dairy
    • Horses
    • Poultry
    • Beef
    • Hogs
    • And others

Please contact us for more information or to set up a time for an evaluation of the water on your farm. We will be glad to test your water and make recommendations for your particular needs. Free Water Analysis | Get a Quick Quote There are many elements found in water that can influence the performance and health of animals. Below is a list of contaminants that have been proven to affect farm operations:

Contaminants that have been proven to affect farm operations

  Recommended Level Symptoms
Aesthetic Low intakes of feed, water, or both
Hydrogen Sulfide Less than 0.5 PPM Could affect Water Intakes
Iron Less than 0.5 PPM Could affect Water Intakes
Manganese Less than 0.1 PPM Could affect Water Intakes
Algaes – Scum, Noncoliform N/A Could affect Water Intakes
Ph 6.5 – 7.5

Acid Water

  • Depressed Production
  • Foot Problems
  • Depressed Butterfat
  • Fresh Cow Issues (Ketosis, DA’s)

Alkaline Water

  • Excessive Intake
  • Stiff Manure
  • Undigested Grain in Manure
  • Depressed Production
Sulfate Less than 300 PPM Loose Manure – Diarrehea-like symptoms Erratic Intakes Depressed Production HIgh Somatic Cell Counts
Sodium Less than 250 PPM Verry little known Udder Edema Could affect Water Intakes
Chloride Less than 250 PPM Very little known Possible Reproduction Issues Could affect Water Intakes
Bacteria Negative Depressed Production Depressed Intakes Reproduction Issues Health Issues
Nitrate Less than 15 PPM unless feed concentration is elevated Reproductive issues may affect other herd health issues
Lead   Very little known – seldom found
VOC Depends on specific VOC Very little known – seldom found

Do you know what is in your water?

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